First, install Jekyll and create a new blank project
2. Clean Up Default Files
Remove the _sass folder and the main.scss file from the assets/css directory to prepare for Tailwind CSS.
3. Initialize a Node.js Project
Run the following command to initialize a Node.js project in your Jekyll project folder
4. Add Tailwind CSS to the Project
Install Tailwind CSS and create its configuration file
5. Configure Tailwind Paths
In the generated tailwind.config.js file, specify the paths to your Jekyll project’s files where Tailwind classes will be used. Here’s an example configuration
6. Create a Tailwind CSS File
In the assets/css directory, create a new file named tailwind.css and include the following lines:
7. Add a Build Script
Open your package.json file and add the following script under the scripts section to compile and minify Tailwind CSS
8. Start the Development Server with Tailwind CSS Build Script
Open two terminal windows and run each command in a separate terminal.